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Frequently Asked Questions

There are lots of questions when it comes to blades. Here are some popular questions and some answers that might help add a little info. Never hurts to ask.

Q - What does a cool looking knife cost?

A - A popular question. It Depends, on a lot of different factors. Size, style, materials used. Even small things can sometimes add a lot of cost. (Example: a small guard on a knife. seems simple but it has to be made to fit perfectly and carefully cut and filed in order to fit snugly and securely on the piece. This takes lots of time and time is money.) I hope that the "Made To Order" section will help give a good idea of price vs size, shape, and material. In the end, the more info I have about specific wants of a piece. The more easily I can price it for you. Vague questions get vague answers.

Q - What kind of steel do you use?

A - Currently I mainly have been using two different steels. W-2 Tool Steel and 80CRV2. Most of my "Made To Order" blades are W-2. It's a tough working steel with a high carbon content but still fairly easy to work with and mostly forgiving. It also produces beautiful Hamon lines if clay is used in the heat treat. Even if the finish is an acid wash the steel will still most likely be W-2. 80CRV2 is a great spring steel that is incredibly flexible for how high the carbon content is. I use this a lot for swords and longer pieces that need supple flexibility. Also if a Hamon is NOT required than I would use it for smaller blades, stock depending.

Q - Do you teach classes?

A - Not currently, but I am working on it. Working with First Build, we are eventually going to have a blacksmithing club and classes at our location in Louisville KY. The pandemic has slowed things down on this front, as they are a business first and foremost and need to keep operating safely without groups of people coming in at all hours. It is happening slowly but surely and I don't have any details about how it will operate but i promise it's going to be an awesome opportunity for anyone willing to work hard and learn in our community.

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